Primitive Cabaret, a spiritual voodoo confrontation
From 08 to 16 March 2013

Omar Ba - Available works
D’origine sénégalaise, Omar Ba vit à Genève depuis 2003. Diplômé de l’Ecole Nationale des Beaux-arts de Dakar, il obtient d’abord un master art et espace public à l’ECAV (Sierre en Valais)...

Fétiches - Available works

Andrew GilbertBorn 1980, Edinburgh, ScotlandAndrew Gilbert plunges us into the heart of the excesses of the British empire’s colonial wars. This recurring and obsessive theme allows him to revisit...

Michel Macréau (1935-1995) began his career as an illustrator in the Vallauris pottery studios. In the late 1950s, he moved into an old, uninhabited château in the Chevreuse valley near Paris, where...

Helmut Rieger - Available works
(1931 - 2014)German painter, born in Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia). Having fled the bombings at the end of the war, Helmut’s family moved to Bad Reichenhall in Bavaria, where he spent his childhood....

Christine Sefolosha
Christine SefoloshaBorn 1955, Switzerland.Fiction, vision, fable, Christine Sefolos seems to have the power to convoque the presence of spirtis on the canvas. She gives them bodies with stunning...