Andrew Gilbert
Andrew Gilbert
Né en 1980, Edimburgh, Ecosse.
Andrew Gilbert nous plonge au cœur des excès des guerres coloniales de l’Empire britannique. Ce thème récurrent et obsessionnel lui permet de revisiter avec fantaisie, ironie et férocité les grands moments de l’histoire militaire anglaise. Il s’inspire d’événements historiques précis et restitue avec précision les détails des costumes, les positions des bataillons. Mais il laisse éclater sa fantaisie extravagante en devenant le héros des histoires qu’il met en scène. Mais dans ces fables, Eros également n’est pas bien loin...
De 1997 à 2002, Andrew Gilbert suit les cours de la la Fine-Art University of Edinburgh et du Edinburgh College of Art. De nombreuses expositions personnelles lui ont été consacrées à travers l’Europe, en particulier à Berlin et à Londres. En 2011, la galerie Polad-Hardouin organise sa première exposition personnelle à Paris. Il vit et travaille à Berlin depuis 2002.
Quelques dates
Né en 1980, Edimbourg, Ecosse
1997 - 2002: M.A: (Hons) Fine Art - University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh College of Art
Principales expositions récentes
Andrew Gilbert expose régulièrement dans des galeries et musées depuis le début des années 2000.
Exposition monographique, Münich, galerie Sperling
Ulundi is Jerusalem, Andrew is Emperor, Brocoli is Holy, du 28 février jusque au 17 avril, Lübeck, Gesellschaft Museum.
Artist and Empire, novembere 2015 - avril 2016, Tate Britain, London, Andrew Gilbert participe à la grande exposition qui va retracer la représentation de l’Empire britannique dans l’histoire de l’art, du XVIè siècle à nos jours.
'Trophies of the Savages - Idols of Civilisation' Blank Projects , Cape Town, South Africa
'The Life of Baby Afghan Squirrel' SPERLING, Munich
'European Tribal War Idols, Waterloo 1815' Gallery Polad - Hardouin , Paris
"Je suis...Brocoli!" Jagla Ausstellungsraum , Koeln
'Andrew's Exotic and Erotic Massage Parlour' Sightfenster , Koeln
'Fiore e Soldate' with M. Galliani , Studio d'arte Raffaelli, Trento
'Sacred Soil and Bloody Ground' Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg
'Forte Comune 1914/2014' with Michelangelo Galliani , Forte Strino Military Museum , Italy
'Andrew Gilbert at Settlement Projects' Leith Late 14, Edinburgh
'The Glorious return of Emperor Andrew' Summerhall , Edinburgh
'Andrew's Glorious Army Crosses the Alps' Studio d'arte Raffaelli, Trento
'The Battle of Blood River' Ten Haaf Projects, Amsterdam Andrew Gilbert and Akiyoshi Mishima' Nanzuka, Tokyo
'Les Maitres Fous - Starring Andrew and Emil Nolde' Gallery Polad Hardouin, Paris
'North European Primitivism - Andrew, Gislerbertus, Nolde, Rogier van der Weyden' Galerie Andreas Hoehne, Munich
‘Colonial Exhibition – Culloden 1746’ power galerie, Hamburg
‘The Sacred Ambush is full of the sound of parrots screaming’ (with Anna Parkina ) SVIT,Prague
Solo Presentation, Power Galerie, NADA Art Cologne Solo Presentation, Ten Haaf Projects, NADA New York
‘Trophies of the Savages’ Galerie 207 , Prague
‘The Lost art of Convalescense’ with Lucy Stein, Gimpel Fils, London
‘Hallucinatory Mahdis and Aeons’ with David Tibet, nationalmuseum, Berlin
‘The Erotic Adventures of Andrew in the Sudan,1895’ Galerie Andreas Hoehne, Muenchen
‘Der Heiliger Krieg’ with Tomas Roubal, Kino Kytka, Prague
‘Austerlitz – The Fate of Empires’,Ten Haaf Projects,Amsterdam
‘Andrew Emperor of Africa’, Galerie Polad Hardouin, Paris
‘Andrew’s death in Afghanistan, 1842’ Power Galerie, Hamburg
‘Veronika Landa and Andrew Gilbert’ MeetFactory International Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague
“Andrew’s honeymoon in India,1857” Gallery Kabinet T, Zlin, Czech Republic
“Cut out her eyes – Cut off his Penis” (with Lucy Stein), Forgotten Bar, Berlin
“The Zulu Queen stood as Jerusalem fell” , Ten Haaf Projects, Amsterdam
“Black Magic White Power” , Galerie Andreas Hoehne, Munich
“Fix Bayonets and Die like British Soldiers Die!” , Galerie Eva Bracke, Berlin
Solo Presentation, Galerie Eva Bracke, Jam Art Fair, Mallorca "To Wipe the Blade-Zulu", Galerie Eva Bracke, Berlin
"Vezalay to Ulundi", Galerie Na Bydilku, Brno, Czech Republic
"The Fall of the Pagan Idols", curated by Caroline Nathusius, kjubh Kunstverein, Köln
"The Dance around the Golden Calves", galerie Antik, Berlin
"The Tempation of John Knox", Forever and a Day Buero, Berlin
"Vezelay to Jerusalem", Galerie Na Bydilku, Brno, Czech Republic
"Deutsch Afrikanische Freundschaft", Autocenter, Berlin
"The False Miracles of Mohammed", Galerie Nomadenoase, Hamburg
Group Exhibitions (selection):
2015 'Artist and Empire' Tate Britain , London , England
'European Tribal Wars' with D. Wood and S.Kaminiski , Bavarian Army Museum, Ingolstadt
'State of Mankind' Draw a Line , Berlin 'Alptraum' Visual Voice Gallery , Montreal Canada
'Salon International de Bobanisme' Salon Boban Andjelkovic , Munich
'House of Pain' curated by Veit Loers , Galerie Petra Martinetz , Koeln
'Berlin Klondyke' Salon Dahlmann , Berlin 'Tales of Darkness' Sunaparanta , Goa centre for Arts, India
'Pigdogandmonkeyfestos' curated by S.Doyle and M.Mallinson, Phoenix Gallery, Exeter, England
'a Man walks in to a bar' me Collectors room , Berlin
'Alptraum' Salon de Liria, Goa, India
''VIII Bienale d'Arte Giovani' Museo d'Arte Moderna , Gazoldo degli Ippoliti
'3 Carrots - 1 Tea Pot - Biber, Braun, Gilbert' Salon Tom Biber, Berlin
'A man walks in to a bar' Mainsburg 'seemed like a good idea at the time' Sperling, Munich
'In Furs' Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
'PigDogandMonkeyfestos' curated by S. Doyle and M. Mallinson, Airspace Gallery, Stoke on Trent, England
'Alptraum' UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia 'Hauptstadt' Galerie Kai Erdmann, Berlin
'Half Devil Half Child' Blank Projects, Cape Town, South Africa 2013 'SVIT' Svit Praha, Praha
'Lord of the Flies' Wannieck Gallery of Modern Art, Brno 'Apokalyptik als Wiederstand - Collection Tom Biber
' Bavarian Army Museum, Ingolstadt
'Imaginaere Loesungen part 1' by F.Hufnagel, Kosmetik Salon, Berlin
'The Hecklers' curated by C.Lewisohn, The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall, England
'Dawn of the Hermetics - part 2' Wonderloch Kellerland, Berlin 'The best Haircuts in history' curated by C. Lewisohn, We are Cuts, London
'Visionen' Marta Heford, Herford '1.per.sing.' curated by Johannes Sperling , b - 05 Montabaur
'Hamburger Bahnhof' curated by O. Zybok , Power Galerie, Hamburg
'Images for Images - Artists for Tichy - Tichy for Artists' curated by Zdenek Felix, GASK Gallery of central Bohemia, Czech Republic
'The Beautyful Ones' curated by Storm Janse van Rensburg , Nolan Judin , Berlin
'Waar ken ick u van?' LUMC Gallery, Leiden
'Berlin - Klondyke' Werkschauhalle Leipzig
'Das Allerletze Prof. Winkler Stipendium' Kunstverein Weyden
'The Legend of the Shelves' Autocenter, Berlin
‘Dawn of the Hermetics’ Kosmetiksalon, Berlin
‘Primitve Cabaret – A spiritual Voodoo confrontation’ Polad-Hardouin, Paris
‘LAmerika-China’ Phoenixhalle , Hamburg ‘Fliegen’ Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
‘Home is where the peppers grow’ Autocenter, Berlin
‘Convoi Berlin’ curated by J. Sperrling, Biksady Gallery, Budapest
‘Berlin–Klondyke’ Neuer Pfannenhofener Kunstverein ‘Thingsplace’ by John Brown, Superclub, Edinburgh
‘L’amour herouiqe’ MUba Eugene Leroy, Tourcoing
‘Necessarily True’ Garage, Rotterdam ‘Berlin Status (1) , Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
‘The International Bongo Bongo Brigade -The hair in the cannibal-prophetic soup of Dr Emil Holub’ NTK Gallery, Prague
‘A Votre Decharge’ Chateau de Servieres, Marseille
‘Berlin Klondyke’ L.A Art Centre, Los Angeles
‘Gastspiel Paris Munich Teil 2’ Galerie Van de Loo Projekte , Muenchen
‘Verbrechen und Bild’ Kuenstlerverein Walkmuehle
‘The Magic Sexy Temple of Wonderloch’ Wonderloch Kellerland, Berlin
‘Dormition’ Contra Gallery, Slovenia ‘Rosskur und Stalldrang bei den Wolfs’ Atetier N.A Wolf, Berlin‘Berlin Klondike
’ The Odd Gallery, Dawson City, Canada ‘Pure Freude’ curated by Jonny Mullen, nationalmuseum, Berlin
‘Moraltarantula 5’ Hamburg ‘Charlottenburg Diktator’curated by C.Malycha, Babbettes Bar, Berlin
‘Lady Paranoia and Mr Killer’ Gallery Polad-Hardouin, Paris
‘The International Bongo Bongo Brigade meet the Haffners’ Haffner Galerie,Innsbruck
‘The Raising of Lazarus’ nationalmuseum, Berlin ‘Best of Invites’ Wonderloch Kellerland, Berlin
‘Flashback’ Gallery Polad-Hardouin, Paris
‘Wherever they Fell’ Wilkinson Gallery, curated by Anna Parkina, London
‘Powerhouse’ Power Galerie, Hamburg ‘Transcendenz ink’ Autocenter, Berlin
‘Richtigen Zeit am Richtigen Ort’ curated by C. Nathusius, Temporary Gallery, Cologne
‘White Stallions’ Fischer und Fischer Galerie, Berlin
‘Moraltarantula 4’ Hamburg
‘Schwarzgold’ Schloss Beesenstedt, Beesenstedt bei Halle
‘Zipor’ Galerie Lichtpunk – Ambacher Contemporary, Munich
‘Lontana’ Centre for Contemporary Art, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
‘International Bongo Bongo Brigade – Curated by the Holy Brocoli from India
’ MeetFactory, Prague ‘International Bongo Bongo Brigade – Queen Loser
’ Silwex House, London ‘Paranoid’ De Nederlandische Cacao Fabrik, Helmond, Netherlands
‘Easy Jetsetters’ curated by Lucy Stein, Forgotten Bar, Berlin
‘6th Biennale for Contemporary Art’ , Salle des Calandres, Eragny, France
‘Bushwick Schlacht’ Fortress of Solitude, New York
‘Domestic Violence’ Studio N.A Wolff, Berlin ‘Early Works’ Wonderloch Kellerland, Berlin
‘The Product of Exchange’ Sudhaus, Berlin/Texas Firehouse, New York
‘Obscene’ , Wiensalon Berlin ‘Riders’ Gallery Polad-Hardouin, Paris
‘Der Muede Tod’, Kai 10 Raum fuer Kunst, Dusseldorf ‘Zeigen’ Temporary Kunsthalle Berlin, Berlin
‘Les portes du Paradis’ Galerie Eva Bracke, Berlin ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ Spor Klublu, Berlin
‘George says: No Martini, No Party’, Apartement, Berlin ‘Am Anfang war das Ende’ Galerie in Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
‘Tjorg Douglas Beer presents . . .’ Forgotten Bar, Berlin
‘Friendly Fire’, PR17, Berlin ‘Transcendendenz Ink’ Forgotten Bar, Berlin
‘Moraltarantula II’ Hamburg ‘Borderline Pleasures’ Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin
‘The lovers of Lutz Braun’ Galerie Antik, Berlin
‘Moving Walls’, Museum of New Art, Detroit
‘Mathew,Mark, Luke and John’ , WhitelacesLivingRoom Gallery, Berlin
‘A4 Editions’ , Five Years Gallery, London
‘Sovereign European Art Prize Exhibition’ , Somerset House, London
‘Oil Prices reach Sky High’ , Ferenbalm Gurbue Station, Karlsruhe
‘Ecstatic Stairs’ Die Aenderei, Muenchen
‘Porridge Wogs’ Five Years Gallery, curated by Cedar Lewisohn, London
‘Madonna und Wir’ curated by C. Nathusius, Galerie Christian Nagel, Berlin
‘Eins zu Eins Ruegen’ Park Gut Kartzitz, Ruegen 2007 ’Autocenter 1’ Autocenter, Berlin
’Ben Cottrell, Andrew Gilbert, Andreas Hofer’, Forever and a day Buero, Berlin
‘Irresistible Magazine’ curated by Cedar Lewisohn, Tate Modern, London
‘Return to Forever’ Forever and a day buero, Berlin
„La Boum III“, Breslau / Warschau, Poland
„Niveaualarm“, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria
"Ketzer und Co. The Golden City", Galerie Jiri Svestka, Prague
"Bellevue", curated by C.Nathusius, Galerie Eva Winkeler, Frankfurt
"La Boum II", Galerie Sie und Höke, Düsseldorf
"Psycho. Zeitgenössiche Positionen zwischen Seelenheil und Apokalypse", Kunstverein Mönchengladbach
"Ketzer und Co", Haus der Kunst, Brno, Czech Republic
"Horizont", Forever and a Day Büro, Kunsthaus Bethanien Berlin
"Schwarz, Brot, Gold", Kunstverein Oldenburg "Viewing Club", Berlin/Hamburg /London Palace of the Zulu-Queen", Kunsthalle Pankow, Berlin
"Professor Winkler Stipendium", Berlin
"Commando Henry Ford, Neuro Cafe, Stuttgart "Works on Paper", Forever and a Day Büro, Berlin
"The Banana Tree" with A. Hofer, A. Sourkova Neue Bahnhofstrasse 5, Berlin
’Heckel und seine drei Scheisshaufen’ with A. Butzer and M. Selg Neue Bahnhofstr.5, Berlin
"Illegale Kunstwerke auf Papier", PR 17, Berlin "Ghadafi´s Ascension", Neue Bahnhofstr 5, Berlin
"Friede, Freude, Freiheit", Galerie Maschenmode/Guido Baudach, Berlin ‘Express’ curated by O. Lanz, Schoenhauser Allee, Berlin
"Northern Exposure", Isle of Uist Art Center, Scotland
- ''The Life of Baby Afghan Squirrel' SPERLING/Taube Verlag, Munich, 2015.
- 'European Tribal Wars' Bavarian Army Museum, Kettler Verlag, 2015.
- 'Forte Commune (1914 - 2014) Forte Strino Military Museum, Vermiglio 'Andrew's Glorious Army crosses the Alps' published by Studio d'Arte Raffaelli,Trento, 2014.
- ‘Andrew Emperor of Africa’ Andrew Gilbert, published by Kerber Verlag, “Andrew you must kill your enemies before they kill you’ published by Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S Berlin, 2011.
- ‘Andrew Gilbert/Colonial Exhibition – Culloden 1746’ published by power galerie, Hamburg 2012.
- 'The 17th Lancers in the Anglo Zulu War, 1879' Possible Press , Berlin.