From 28 January to 13 March 2010

Gérard Alary
Born in 1945 in AvignonGérard Alary graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. His first solo show was in 1976 in Dijon, and he has participated in FIAC since 1984. In...

Pat Andréa - Available works

Lydie Arickx - Available works
Born in 1954 in Seine et Marne, France In full control of her art, Lydie is equally at ease with very large formats as with minute compositions. She was made to take part in titanic fights, which...

Felicia Atkinson - Available works

Gwenael Billaud - Available works

Vincent Bizien - Available works
Né en 1968 Vit et travaille à Paris

Chrisophe Boursault Born 1975 in ParisLives in Marseille PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS2016"FAR FROM FrAME", April 7 - June 4, Galerie Van de Loo Projekte, Munich"La fuite des égos" - May 26 - June 25,...

Daphné ChevallerauBorn in 1988 in NîmesExhibitions2016 Daphné Chevallereau & Eric Corne, Renverse du souffle, galerie Polad-Hardouin2015Mais où est passé Walt Whitman ? Projektraum...

Raynald DriezBorn in 1974 in France. Raynald Driez graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, which he attended from 1994 to 1999.He had several personal exhibitions in France, in...

Vanessa Fanuele - Available works
Although she began as an architect, Vanessa Fanuele eventually began to draw. And, naturally, Vanessa Fanuele weaves. Her cocoons, slowly conceived, on paper or in mixed media, display their spider-...

Andrew GilbertBorn 1980, Edinburgh, ScotlandAndrew Gilbert plunges us into the heart of the excesses of the British empire’s colonial wars. This recurring and obsessive theme allows him to revisit...

Andreas Hofer - Available works

Marcel Hüppauff - Available works
The atmosphere of Marcel Hüppauf’s canvases is deliberately that of night, the colors both muted and electric, the touch fluid and quick. In dark and dense forests, not far from haunted houses, we...

Michael Kalmbach - Available works

Marcel Katuchevski - Available works
The paintings of Marcel Katuchevski reveal a unique inner world made of moving arborescence, suggesting the trembling presence of memories. Ours? In 1972, Marcel Katuchevski discovered the works of...

Fred Kleinberg - Available works
Born in 1966, Fred Kleinberg is a well-recognized emerging talent of the contemporary French painting scene.Trained at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he has been showing his work...

Cristina Lama - Available works
Born in 1977 in Seville, Spain Lives and works in Sevilla. In this painting, the artist is expressing a Kafkaesque vision, a subject whose body takes the monstrous form of an...

Fréderic Leglise - Available works

Julie Lorinet - Available works
Born in 1978 in Argenteuil, she lives and works in Montreuil.Exhibitions2008"Fétiches" Las Galerie, Paris"Constellations" Las Galerie, Paris2007" Hybrides" Centre culturel de Saint...

Michel Macréau (1935-1995) began his career as an illustrator in the Vallauris pottery studios. In the late 1950s, he moved into an old, uninhabited château in the Chevreuse valley near Paris, where...

Maryan’s short life (1927-1977) was marked by tragedy. A Polish Jew, he was captured and tortured by the Nazis. He was the only member of his family to survive, narrowly escaping death in a...

Charlotte McGowan-Griffin - Available works

Orlando Mostyn Owen - Available works
Born in 1973 in Romford, England.Mostyn-Owen's canvases carry the traces of his gestures, out of which figures surge forth. Born from a combat with oil paint itself, these ghostly silhouettes are...

Although struck by muscular dystrophy and nailed down to a wheel chair since the age of 23, Nitkowski painted both on canvas and on paper a tremendous hymn to life, full of violence and dazzling...

Heike Pillemann - Available works
Born in Herne (Germany) and living in Munich, the artist was exhibited for the first time at the gallery Marie-José van de Loo in 2004. In 2010, when she won the Fine Arts Award of the Bavarian...

Humberto Poblete-Bustamante - Available works
Born in 1966 in Santiago in Chili.In a video, we see the artist dancing frenetically to rock music before he begins to paint. All the energy he calls upon beforehand later becomes a part of the...

Eva Räder - Available works
Born in 1978 in Ochsenhausen, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin. This artist takes advantage of all pictorial means in the service of expression and of content. She uses all the...

Emanuelle RenardEmmanuelle was born in 1963. She currently lives and works in Paris.Each canvas presents itself like a summary of the emotions that give a distinctive intensity and tension to...

Sylvia Reyftmann - Available works

Raphaëlle Ricol - Available works
Born in 1973 in LyonLives and works in Paris.Graduated of ESAG PeninghenProfiled against the deep red, dark night sky are the strange silhouettes of wind pumps, cold, metallic monsters with mouths...

Jo Robertson - Available works
Born in 1979 in Manchester, England.Lives and works in London. The grand-format canvas is saturated with matter to the point that the image is obliterated, even if, here and there, one can discern...

Jean Rustin - Available works
Though he was at first an abstract painter, since 1971 Jean Rustin has been painting an incredible series of portraits of his fellow humans. Lost in deserted rooms, these figures at times indulge in...

Lionel Sabatté - Available works

Adam Saks - Available works

Matias Sanchez - Available works

Christine Sefolosha
Christine SefoloshaBorn 1955, Switzerland.Fiction, vision, fable, Christine Sefolos seems to have the power to convoque the presence of spirtis on the canvas. She gives them bodies with stunning...

Astrid Sourkova - Available works

Lucy Stein - Available works
Born in 1979 in England. Lives and works in Berlin. During the exhibition “Holy Destruction”, in the polad-hardouin gallery, Lucy Stein presented, last year, a painting, tribute to Soutine... A...

Davor Vrankic

Wu Xiaohai
Armed simply with charcoal, Wu Xiaohai creates on paper a (frequently ironic) vision of the world. The format of his works can be immense, since he maps them out on rolls several meters long, in...

Eric Yahnker - Available works