
From 12 March to 14 May 2011

"10 years: Flashback" Exhibition from March 12 through May 14, 2011

Opening March 12 at 4 pm

From March 12 to May 14, the Galerie Polad-Hardouin will be celebrate its 10 year anniversary with a retrospective exhibition retracing its milestones over the years. 

Dominique Polad-Hardouin, collector, historian, and daughter of a gallery owner, long hesitated before throwing herself into the contemporary art world. But destiny forced her hand when, on April 2nd, 2001, the artist Stani Nitkoski-- whom she had supported and defended for several years-- tragically died. Her response to this loss was to commemorate the somber, yet intense, artist. Two months later, she opened the “Idées d’Artistes” gallery, later to become the Galerie Polad-Hardouin.

Dominique formed a team of artists with unique and powerful styles: Jean Rustin, Christine Selofosha, and Lydie Arickx, to name a few. She also discovered an exceptional 33-year-old Syrian artist, Sabhan Adam, which led to several solo exhibitions for the artist.

In 2007, the gallery expanded, moved and changed its name. This year also marked a new direction for the gallery: Dominique became more interested in young international artists, such as Humberto Poblete-Bustamente, Orlando Mostyn-Owen, and Raphaëlle Ricol. She juxtaposed this new generation with artists of the New Figuration, artists of the 1960’s such as Maryan, Macréau, and Pouget.

Room 1 will include an exhibition of the emblematic works that have marked the gallery's history.  Room 2 will be dedicated to the work of Stani Nitkowski.